About engine in car

by voice on 2000s-era cars. These controls include a steering wheel, pedals for operating the brakes and controlling the car's speed (and, in a manual transmission car, a clutch pedal), a shift lever or stick for changing gears, a

About engine in car oil for Porsche

Cars and User interface

Cars are equipped with controls used for driving, passenger comfort and safety, normally operated by a combination of the use of feet and hands, and occasionally by voice on 2000s-era cars. These controls include a steering wheel, pedals for operating the brakes and controlling the car's speed (and, in a manual transmission car, a clutch pedal), a shift lever or stick for changing gears, and a number of buttons and dials for turning on lights, ventilation and other functions. Modern cars' controls are now standardised, such as the location for the accelerator and brake, but this was not always the case. Controls are evolving in response to new technologies, for example the electric car and the integration of mobile communications.

Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car#User_interface

Education and work in the automotive industry

Jobs in companies related to the automotive industry is a dream for many people interested in this subject outside working hours. By the way, the combination of working with passion can be very desirable in many cases because it makes the work simply better. Where to find work in the industry? The possibilities are really a lot. Starting from corporate stores selling car straight from the factory, production, and ending with the consignment of used cars person interested in such work will certainly find a place for themselves. True, the requirements for work on some of the positions are quite high, but having the necessary qualifications for sure we have a chance of winning the coveted job.

Vehicles for more people

Public transport is of utmost importance. You can quickly reach the first place, above all those who do not own a car. On the other hand, using the bus or smaller buses can get rid of the problem of parking the, which is often quite confusing for drivers. The bus ride makes it not need to be focused on driving. It is not surprising that this mode of transport is still often used on Polish roads. True, much of the buses is a machine that would give longer to the museum associated with the automotive industry, but there is also a really modern, rich in many of the features of vehicles on the road. The use of the exclusive bus is a feature of organized tours and I must admit that this is undoubtedly advantage of long journeys.